she was at the hall when I'm hurrying for my work.
she was asleep then I recite her "Al-Luqman". Hopefully she could digest the gist of this surah.
then when I blew her head, she woke up. She opened her lovely black eyes. Looking at me and then she opened her mouth. Seems that she want to tell me something. But then she start sucking her tiny little finger.
Ahah. She's hungry. Quickly I make her a bottle of Anmum milk. I fed her while taking my breakfast (mom's coq udang is the best with tea O).
In 5 minutes she finished all the milk and gave me a smile. Gosh. She's adorably cute and sweet.
But, have to put her to the mattress. And let her continue with her sleeping-SAGA.
And I was 5 minutes late for work but it worth a lot.