Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Is it?

is it still relevance:

1. to use type writer even though we can use laptop;
2. to use telegram/telegraph instead of SMS/FAX/Email;
3. to use SLR instead DSLR;
4. to measure using old "dacing" instead of the new digital "timbang";
5. to send hardcopy minutes instead of using email;
6. to read newspaper instead of blogs...etc

you decide..


NedLi Sakurai said...

kalo masih pakai SLR dan gambarnyer cantik.Dier mmg otai drpd yg pakai DSLR tp gambar yg diambil cam biasa2 jer (^^,)

so, it's relevance if it could been beter (^^)v

- saya yg hanya pakai kamera kompak jer (^^ii)

amoi said...

orang pakai SLR mmg otai...tapi spt ned ckp...kalo gambar cantik la kan...hehe...

Jebatz said...

thats why "you decide"..not me or him or her ;)

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